Atlantis Unveiled: The Wisdom of the Kali Yuga Given to Us by Antediluvian Civilizations

How the cyclic nature of time shows us that ancient history is much more relevant to our future than we can imagine.

Mark Scofield


Photo by Sonika Agarwal on Unsplash

Atlantis, at least the name, is starting to irk me.

We know of at least a dozen sunken cities, many of which we do not know the names of, so I ask, why can’t we just say that we’ve found Atlantis and call it a day?

The necessity of finding some golden city that fits the exact specifications laid out by Plato, who if he was not writing a fictional story is still at best providing us a third-hand account, seems unlikely as well as a superfluous undertaking.

This is, astronomically speaking and according to the most ancient of Hindu texts as found in the Rigveda, one of the four Vedas central to Hinduism, the darkest moment in our human history. It takes the Earth 72 years to go through just 1 degree in its procession around the galactic solar center of our Milky Way galaxy. Every 25,920 years, it completes a full cycle. Some believe that in 2025, we will be exiting Kali Yuga and entering Dwapara Yuga.

As above, so below.



Mark Scofield

Coming out of the shadows. No more pseudonym. Humans are designed to fail. I'm Exhibit A. Often writing semi-fictional history and autobiographical stories.