Attack of the Bloodthirsty Skeeters: Confronting Mississippi’s ‘Evil’ Mosquitoes to Protect the Vulnerable

Adaptive Elegance
Published in
3 min readJun 23, 2023
Photo by Jimmy Chan:

Mississippi’s Tiny Tyrants

As we delve into the depths of summer in the Magnolia State, it’s time to talk about a force so sinister that it sends shivers down the spine of even the most hardened Mississippian. No, we’re not discussing the gut-wrenching fear of running out of sweet tea during a barbecue. We are, in fact, confronting a tinier but far more tenacious foe: Mississippi’s infamous mosquitoes.

Forget Voldemort. Banish Darth Vader from your mind. Even Hannibal Lecter can’t hold a candle to these diabolic insects, their blood-sucking tendencies dwarfing the most blood-curdling horror stories.

Sly Invaders in the Night

These pesky invaders of the night show no mercy, lurking in the shadows to launch their assaults on unsuspecting victims. In the buzz of the night, they feast, leaving behind itching memories of their clandestine visits. While most of us can swat, scratch, and swear our way through the mosquito menace, there’s a group of Mississippians who are less equipped to handle these uninvited guests. Our elderly and disabled citizens are finding themselves on the front lines of this mosquito onslaught, often without realizing they’re under attack.

The Silent Danger

Unfortunately, as people age or live with certain disabilities, their sensitivity to mosquito bites can decrease. This can mean that they don’t feel the initial bite, and by the time the telltale itching begins, it’s often too late. The mosquitoes have fed and fled, leaving behind not only itchy welts but also the potential for disease transmission.

Mosquitoes are known carriers of diseases such as West Nile Virus and Zika, which can have severe effects on those with weaker immune systems. As the mosquito’s evil plot thickens, we’re left with a silent danger that is not only irritating but potentially life-threatening.

Defending our Vulnerable

Photo by Amit Chowdhury:

So, how do we defend our vulnerable from the stealthy onslaught of these miniature Draculas? The first step is awareness. If you have elderly or disabled family members or neighbors, let them know about the potential threat. Encourage them to wear appropriate clothing and use mosquito repellents.

Community-wide, we need to focus on controlling the mosquito population. Regularly checking our properties for standing water — the favorite breeding ground for these winged terrorists — can go a long way. Town councils and homeowners’ associations need to ensure that public spaces are not inadvertently acting as mosquito maternity wards.

Rallying the Troops

In this battle against the bloodthirsty invaders, we must rally the troops. That means everyone from local kids to the Governor’s office needs to take up arms (or, more accurately, bug spray) in the fight. It might not be as glamorous as battling the forces of darkness in a Hollywood blockbuster, but it’s equally crucial.

Let’s not underestimate the threat posed by our state’s smallest villains. For the sake of our vulnerable citizens, it’s time to declare war on the evil mosquitoes of Mississippi. If we stand together, we can ensure that the only buzz we experience this summer is the delightful hum of cicadas on a warm evening, rather than the threatening whine of a mosquito on the prowl.

So, Mississippi, grab your bug spray, roll down your sleeves, and prepare for battle. The summer is upon us, and with it, our miniature foes. But fear not — armed with knowledge, protective measures, and a state-wide resolve, we can protect those in need and show these bloodsuckers that they’ve messed with the wrong crowd.

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Adaptive Elegance

I began writing about adaptive clothing and it has evolved to many topics about aging and disabilities.