Attitude of Gratitude

Spark Within You
Published in
2 min readAug 6, 2023

Most of the time I think what I don't have in life. I usually compare with people who are in my peer group.

But later times I realized, this doesn’t add any value to my life. Rather it creates sense of disappointment and failure mindset.

I decided this needs to be changed. Well we all need to change this attitude.

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Practice attitude of gratitude.

Being grateful of what we are having already is a great way to shift our mindset. It is simple but effective.

Try out these 3 simple things.

Gratitude list

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Jot down your gratitude list whenever your having time or whenever you fell demotivated.

Please write it a piece of paper or personal notebook.

Feeling is most important part when you are writing. Be grateful and happy when you are writing, because this not homework.

Do it with self-care.

Small things matter the most.

Photo by Sandy Millar on Unsplash

Be happy and gratitude in small things like having a good cup of coffee, warm sunshine, finishing a chore you’ve been putting off.

Lot of small things makes great things

Craft gratitude affirmations.

Turn gratitude into positive mantras like..

Photo by Katrina Wright on Unsplash

“I am thankful for this breath”

“I appreciate the beauty around me”

“I appreciate this opportunity.”

Repeat them throughout your day.

Love Yourself for not giving up to this.

As I said earlier, Great things takes time. Believe in yourself. Practice attitude of gratitude. You feel the difference in day to day of your life.

Thank You so much. Love you.🤟

