AuDHD: How to Manage the Contradictions of Autism and ADHD

A Guide to Controlling the Chaos in Your Mind

Rachel Anne Helms


Photo by Uday Mittal on Unsplash

If you have both Autism and ADHD, I don’t need to tell you about the constant conflict going on in your brain.

I’m sure you know it all too well…

ASD and ADHD have many overlapping symptoms, but they also have unique aspects to them. Aspects that often contradict each other, and make having both very challenging.

So let’s talk about those differences and strategies that may help you cope with them.

(And if you want to watch instead of read, I posted a YouTube video on this topic! Check it out here.)


ASD: Likes to concentrate on one task at a time.

ADHD: Frequently jumping from one task to another.


I find that certain tasks need my full attention/focus, and other tasks need distraction or extra stimulation to get them done. But, too much going on…



Rachel Anne Helms

ADHD, Autism, & cPTSD. Lifelong learner and sharer of acquired knowledge and wisdom. Join The Neurodivergent Network Community ->