Autosuggestion: two ways you can use this technique

Principe Guity Jr
Published in
3 min readJul 30, 2024
Photo by Kalei de Leon on Unsplash

When I was growing up, various mediums influenced my mind. From the television, computers, and the music I listened to. I know for sure that it has been drenched in my brain.

I know because I see myself acting it out by how I perceive women, especially on television and the internet. All of which were induced by pornographic images.

Also, vulgar words from these forms of communication hang on the rungs of my subconscious.

Autosuggestion works similarly to this because each medium’s influence has stuck to my subconscious.

Self-help author Napoleon Hill described autosuggestion as “the agency of communication between that part of the mind where conscious thought takes place, and that which serves as the seat of action for the subconscious mind.”

I will describe to you in further detail what autosuggestion is.

Verbal recital

Hill said, “When reading aloud the statement of your desire(through which you are endeavoring to develop a “money consciousness”), that the mere reading of the words is of no consequence — unless you mix emotion, or feeling with your words.”

This statement started in the chapter about desire where the reader would write down the total amount of money they wanted, what they’ll give in return, the exact date of obtaining it, and how they get it.

I am indifferent regarding the previous quoted sentence. Personally, I am just beginning to read my statement out loud. I would need to investigate further on this matter.

I can piggyback on a parable example from The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz about the power of words. Ruiz gave an example of a young girl who liked singing and one day she was singing around the house. Her mother got irritated by it. Devastatingly enough, her mother killed that with not-so-mere words.


Another point that I found interesting was the Six Ways to Turn Desires into Gold, which was described in the second paragraph of the previous subject discussed.

Hill stated, “The first of the six steps, which instructs you to fix in your own mind the exact amount of money you desire, hold your thoughts on that amount of money by concentration, or fixation of attention, with your eyes closed, until you can actually see the physical appearance of the money.”

That quality for me is not second nature. I usually dream too much. From this present moment until death, I will visualize what I want, regardless of the item, in my imaginative mind.

According to Hill, “When visualizing the money you intend to accumulate, (with closed eyes), see yourself rendering the service, delivering the merchandise you intend to give in return for this money.”

In a way, you’re thinking about your future. In response to what I’ve written, I will provide more gratitude, positivity, and poetry. This is my intention even more so than now because I want to live in a good state of mind.


Saying aloud and visualizing what you want, besides taking action, will or could not help you. It all depends on you. Now, I want to close out with a poem.

Visualize life

in the dawning of the hour.

Until dreams come true.

