Autumn Obsessions: My Unforgettable Favorites

Stiers Collective Studios
Published in
4 min readOct 18, 2023

It’s hard to believe October is halfway done. The past few months have been busy for me. However, I’m really enjoying the autumn vibes that are coming along. I’m finding it difficult to not be inspired.

I adore watching the trees lose their old leaves in the natural world. The season of autumn and everything that it brings with it are beautiful.

Writing about my current autumn favorites is an idea I would like to share. I sincerely hope you enjoy these as much as I do!

Plants and Books

At the moment, I’m in love with colorful seasonal plants like amaranth. These plants typically have a short lifespan. Even though I have not spent much time in the garden during the past few months, I would still like my decking area and garden to seem warm and inviting.

Fortunately, these tiny plants appear to be effective for the atmosphere I’m setting. Plants help set the surroundings for a reading nook or reading area.

Photo by lil artsy at Pexels

Normally, I try to set aside a reasonable amount of time to read books. I switch between being an online reader and a physical copy reader. Autumn brings on the feeling of wanting to read a physical copy of a book while being cozy.

Reading is a part of my daily habit whenever I have some downtime since it really helps me to decompress and disengage. This is a nice way to enjoy the autumn peace.

Home Decor

Adding accessories and cozy items to my home is one of my favorite parts about the season. Sheepskin rugs are the object of my obsession currently. Although my rug is a few years old it is still in good condition.

For reference, sheepskin rugs do require a lot of maintenance and upkeep. If you have children or pets, sheepskin rugs are challenging to keep clean.

Sheepskin rugs require frequent brushing and are a real pain to get liquid out of, I still believe they are worthwhile. Even though they require a lot of upkeep, sheepskin rugs are cozy and a terrific way to add more comfort and style to your house during the holiday season.

Photo by Tatiana Syrikova at Pexels

Another one of my biggest preoccupations during the autumn and winter is undoubtedly seagrass. Seagrass is quite adaptable and ideal if you want to achieve a casual, unstructured style. I’ve incorporated seagrass storage boxes in some of my rooms for the season.

However, I should warn you that some or maybe even most seagrass boxes have a strong odor. That may be something to keep in mind when shopping for any items made from seagrass. I don’t mind the scent at all (some grow accustomed to it or maybe it goes away after a while).

Autumn Treats

From reading to décor and finally the kitchen. The most joy from the home comes from the kitchen in my opinion. I enjoy tasty treats, particularly over the holidays. Typically, this is the time of the year where the most baking is done.

Autumn brings both simplicity and specialization in equal measure. Cinnamon rolls, for example, seem quite simple to me, but they’ve become an autumn staple because they are so traditional and define warmth.

Photo by Dorottya Gál at Pexels

For a reimagination of a seasonal cider, I would suggest apple cider mimosas. Full-day football extravaganzas can be more enjoyable (at least in my experience) with the help of apple cider mimosas, a wonderful seasonal variation on a traditional holiday cocktail.

Even amid the seasonal commotion, autumn offers peaceful moments. I view it as a time for reflection, reading, and taking in the tranquil surroundings. This description of my autumn favorites is what makes this season one of the best to experience.

Comfort, a bounty of flavors, and the chance to go on outdoor adventures are all provided by autumn. The best advice I have received this week was to consider the distinct appeal of autumn while enjoying your favorite latte or even go for stroll among the changing foliage.

All good words of advice, all appreciated, and I would like to pass this message along to any readers out there as well.



Stiers Collective Studios

1 Part Designer & 1 Part Artist - Architecture | Interior Design | Spaces & Ideas |