Avoid the Victim Mindset at Any Cost

Choosing empowerment over victimhood

Gagandeep Kakar
3 min readOct 28, 2023


In life, we’re like the stars of our own movie. Our scripts have surprises, twists, and tricky challenges. But what really counts is how we understand those challenges.

One of the worst ways to see them is through a “victim mindset.” This mindset makes us feel like we’re helpless and that everything bad that happens is someone else’s fault. It’s like a trap that keeps us from moving forward.

Let’s talk about why this “victim mindset” is a no-no.

It’s when you feel like everything bad is happening to you, and you don’t have any control. It’s kind of like blaming others or bad luck for your problems. It’s like saying, “It’s not my fault.”

But guess what? This doesn’t help at all. It stops you from growing, makes you a pro at pointing fingers, and just leaves you feeling pretty crummy about yourself.

So, why is it bad to have this victim mindset?

Getting Stuck:

When you’re stuck in this mindset, you basically hand over control of your life to other stuff. You don’t do much, and life just happens to you. You’re like a couch potato, but for your own life.

Blaming Game:

It’s like you’re playing a game where you always blame others. You never take responsibility for what you do. But this game doesn’t have any winners. It just makes you feel alone and grumpy.

Bad Vibes:

Thinking of yourself as a victim isn’t great for your self-esteem. You start believing that you can’t do anything right, and that’s not fun.

Friendship Trouble:

It’s not great for your relationships either. If you’re always looking for sympathy and help, people might get tired of it and run in the opposite direction.

Missed Chances:

When you feel like a victim, you’re less likely to see cool opportunities that could help you succeed. You might even stop yourself from trying because you’re afraid to fail.

Now, let’s switch gears and talk about empowerment. This is like the complete opposite of being a victim. It’s believing that you can take charge of your life, face problems, and make your dreams come true.

How does empowerment work?

Take Control:

You start by taking control of your life. You might not control everything, but you can choose how you react and what you do.

Bounce Back:

Empowered folks know that setbacks are just stepping stones. They make you stronger and more determined.

Feeling Awesome:

When you’re empowered, you feel good about yourself. You believe in your ability to deal with problems, and that confidence shines.

Good Relationships:

Empowered people don’t depend on others for everything. They make good, equal partnerships.

Grab Opportunities:

An empowered mindset helps you spot and go after chances. You’re more willing to try new things and work hard for your goals.

How do you start feeling empowered?

Know Yourself:

Pay attention to your thoughts. When you catch yourself feeling like a victim, try to change your perspective.

Own Up:

Understand that you’re the boss of your own life. Even when things go wrong, admit when it’s your doing.

Goals, Goals, Goals:

Have clear goals and work on them step by step.

Good Vibes Only:

Hang out with positive, supportive people. They’ll cheer you on.

Roll with Punches:

Learn from your mistakes and keep going. It’s like a video game; you level up when you learn from the challenges.

Be Nice to Yourself:

Give yourself a break. Treat yourself kindly when life gets tough.

Ask for Help:

If it’s too hard to break free from the victim mindset on your own, ask a therapist or counselor for help.

Now, here’s the best part: You get to pick your mindset. You can be a victim and stay in one place, or you can be a superhero and fly high. It’s your call, and it’s worth it. Choose empowerment, and you’ll find the most exciting and fulfilling chapters of your life are still waiting to be written.

