Away at Heart

Home and Country

Lady Foxx


Photo by Ovinuchi Ejiohuo on Unsplash

Haven’t been here in a while
A place I always wanted to be,
And yet dreaded to go in exile
As green as a fledgling wannabe
For to be banished here for a sec,
Is to experience forlornness in eons
The like of which has no gram nor spec
But so magnificent it’s in pounds and tons

Haven’t been here in a while
This place that reeks of secrets
That could deny a beauty of her smile
And render an entire nation miscreants
Who kowtow in sheer misery and despair
To benefactors with real intents hid unknown
For a finding of an outlet and means for repair
Not for actual redress, but safety of all their own

Haven’t been here in a while
A place of countless memories
That was the raves, but I now revile
For being the fodder for untrue stories
Whose reach could be damaging for anyone
Be they wise, saintly and pure or every otherwise
And have gone out of ways to please since day one
Everyone involved directly, indirectly and character-wise



Lady Foxx

Lawyer and a Poet!| ♡Reading and Travelling| In writing, I understand....