Ayodhya Ram Mandir in 2024

Wandering with SUBHAJIT
Published in
3 min readFeb 25, 2024

A few days back, we witnessed the grand opening of Ayodhya’s Ram Mandir and a huge celebration among Hindus worldwide. But that might have some wonderings:

Why venerate Rama? Is he truly that figure of success that Hindus follow him? What is the significance of this mandir in the 20th century, when people were trying to modernize themselves?

Photo by Saurabh Solanki on Unsplash

Many of us read, listened or watched Ramayana, but beneath the surface lies a story richer than it first appears. Even for a modern sceptic, a closer look at Rama’s journey will be proven to be a powerful lesson in humanity.

Rama’s life is a road of trial and triumph. From his birth to his ascension, every chapter reveals layers of resilience, sacrifice, and unwavering commitment to dharma (righteousness).

A Story of Love and Loyalty:

Rama, prince of Ayodhya married tothe princess of Mithila perfectly devoted to themselves with love and respect, with a kind heart. When they returned to Ayodhya, they faced an unexpected hardship: exile from their kingdom. Despite the challenge, Rama accepted his fate, and Sita and his brother Lakshmana stood by him with unwavering support.
Within a few days, their peaceful exile was shattered by a tragedy. Ravana, a demon king, kidnaps Sita, forcing Rama and Lakshmana on a long uncertain journey. This becomes their defining purpose, fuelled by the deep love and respect they share these days.

Beyond Victory Lies Complexity:

After a hard-fought victory, Rama & Sita reunited again. However, upon returning from exile, their victory comes at a big price. Doubts are cast upon Sita’s purity, leading to Agni-pariksha, and later a painful separation.

A Beacon of Devotion:

Despite being a hero, Rama also finds himself caught in a difficult situation due to societal pressures. Yet, even through immense hardship, Rama never falters in his devotion to both his principles and his love for Sita.

Why Venerate Rama:

Rama’s story isn’t just about winning wars. He teaches us something important about family: keeping promises, even though it caused him pain and uncertainty, Rama obeyed his father’s difficult request without complaining. This shows how much he respected his dad, making him a role model for good sons and daughters.
Rama and Sita are also an idol of love, their love binds them even though they were separate for years. Their love throughout their separation becomes a powerful symbol of true devotion.
Rama’s journey in exile becomes a powerful lesson in how to navigate life’s challenges while demonstrating kindness, respect, loyalty, and courage. He serves as an example of how to behave in various situations, making him a role model for many.

Worshiping the Qualities:

Rama is not a successful man; do you think a successful man would request his beloved wife to go into exile again? No! we celebrate his commitment to dharma, his unwavering love, his friendship, his leadership his brotherhood, his unwavering devotion to family, and being a king of people.
The parallels between Rama and other religious figures like Jesus, who forgave his persecutors, and Buddha, who taught detachment from desires, highlight a universal thread. These are the qualities that we are bowing down to, we are not bowing down to the person because he is successful.

Significance of The Mandir in the 20th Century:

Today’s fast-paced world sees relationships last mere months, with many switching partners frequently. But Rama’s story stands strong, reminding us of enduring love: a love that withstands hardship and separation, inspiring us to value loyalty, trust, and lasting connections in our fleeting world.

Disobeying parents is just like a cool thing nowadays. But Rama teaches us the duty of an ideal son.

Being a fellow traveler how to give respect, how to get respect, how to behave in your very distressed moments, and how to be a leader, are some of the things that helped me as well.

The Ram Mandir signifies the journey of a son, the love of a lover, the bonding of brothers, the enthusiasm of a traveler, the kind heart of a leader, the courage of a warrior, the king of Ayodhya.



Wandering with SUBHAJIT

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