B.O.B. J.A.S.P.E.R.

Using a Template to Compose a Story

Bob Jasper


Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

I like to spread joy and make people feel loved. I hope this example of using a template creates some joy for you.

B.O.B. — This one is easy. I’ve used it on my journal covers for 20 years

B — Book. This particular “book” is my journal which I try to write in every day. Often I write just a few lines. Sometimes it’s pretty mundane: the weather and how I’m feeling. Other times it can be profound. Often I write a prayer or a gratitude list or a Thank You to God for…

O — Of. Quite simple. What can I say other than it’s necessary to know the connection? It’s all about connection.

B — Blessings. The journal records the blessings I’ve received: The things God has given me or done for me, the times that have brought me joy. And the journal itself has become a blessing. When I’m down or need inspiration, I read back through it. A few pages show me how God has been at work in my life. I see how I’ve weathered past storms and come out safely.

I’ve kept my Book of Blessings for almost nineteen years. It started out as a record of my thoughts and condition when I was going through a really rough period in my life. I kept it up after that. It provides me a record of how I’ve spent my days. Now, as memory fails me more and more, I find…



Bob Jasper

My Muse is in hiding, but we cross paths from time to time. I think I gave the old guy too much grief. Maybe he quit without notice.