Balancing Self Care — With Your Busy Life

Start with just 10 minutes a day

Michele Thill


Image by Jerzy Górecki from Pixabay

Are you working so hard that you end up neglecting yourself?

As we move back to that fast paced world — do you feel you don’t have time to take care of you? Maybe it seems like a luxury to take care of yourself? What if I told you it was a necessity?

Some immediate benefits to self care ‘me time’ would be that it gives you an opportunity to rejuvenate — and even improve your health. When we are constantly wired and ‘on the go,’ it places our body into a state of alert.

This state can elevate your heart rate and can suppress the immune system and even the digestive system. In our minds we may have learned to adjust to this fast pace — our bodies are not designed to remain in this state indefinitely.

When you take time out to relax and rest you allow your body the chance to recover, while your brain will be able to sort through thoughts and ideas.

Rest periods can actually be a very creative time. As you step away from the busyness of your life, this allows you to hear that small quiet voice that looks to guide you without all the distractions around you.

And long term, the benefits of taking time out to do things you enjoy, will actually help you to be more effective…



Michele Thill

Through self-awareness, I help women tap into their inner power. Let’s make the 2nd half of your life the best half!