Bali, Indonesia: Heartwarming and Magical Place

Some insights and tips from my recent travel to Bali

Somil Gupta
Published in
8 min readSep 30, 2023


Bali, often referred to as the “Island of the Gods,” is a destination that truly lives up to its name. Situated in the heart of Indonesia, this island is truly a paradise where magic seems to happen from every corner. Bali is a destination that will leave you spellbound, from its stunning landscapes to its warm-hearted people. In this article, we’ll explore what makes Bali such a heartwarming and magical place.

I went on a ten-day trip to Bali, covering Nusa Penida (the island beside Bali). I started my journey from Kuta, an Urban Village on the island. Kuta offers lively nightlife and excellent cosy cafes to dine in, and it’s one of the best places to enjoy Bali’s famous sunsets. Kuta has an almost 5-mile stretch of sand beach, perfect for late-night beach walks.

Before we begin, first and foremost, it’s very recommended to rent a Bike in Bali, considering Bali is a fairly small island, and you can hop from one city to another by easily using a bike, and you can get it as low as $5 a day (really cheap to be honest).



Somil Gupta

Senior software engineer on a journey as a travel storyteller, curating travel itineraries, and sharing insights on cultures, people, and history worldwide. 🌍