Bapu After Independence

Daman Sandhu
Published in
2 min readAug 16, 2020
Thoughts of Mahtma Gandhi after 73 years of Independence! Credits- Created by Author on Canvaa

Bloodstains of my Hindu and Muslim brothers are taunting me today,
Screams of my innocent countryman won’t let me rest in peace,
My Laddi has been asking me to get up and show my people — real shades of Indian constitution,
Show everyone what my friend Ambedkar had thought — when he compiled the sacred book of equality and humanity.,.

I heard people giving my reference to justify their selfish policies,
I saw people dragging my name into their meaningless political feuds,
I feel the pain of my people when they struggle to get justice in their own nation,
I want to relive once again to embellish — India of my dreams…..

When my daughters can’t enjoy their hard-earned freedom,
When my farmers can’t reap the fruit of their sweat,
When my poor and discriminated friends won’t dare to dream,
Then, my soul bleeds to death a hundred times….

I’m your Bapu,
Please don’t keep my principles to your textbooks,
Just keep me in your heart so that we can together create India of our Dreams!

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Daman Sandhu

Content Curator | Story Teller | Blogger | Poet | Streghtening the Digital World with My Thoughts