BARE: Uncensored Poetry
Project 30/30 Day #15:
And time stood stil …
Hands dance back and forth
And the cow jumped over the moon.
Deep breathe in,
hold, hold, hold
Bounce, bounce, bounce,
The minute endlessly repeats.
Scurrying here and there
Workers toil away, unseen and unknown.
The cat in the cradle
Fed and pampered
It’s always nighttime somewhere.
Where the minute hand bounces
And repeats.
Red lights flicker, no magic in sight
Cheap smelling bodies
Clad in artless rags
Contort: the ballet of survival.
The silver spoon ran off with the Moon
And time stood still.
Someone smiles, someone laughs
Children thread needles full of hope
Stitch by stitch, they inch
Toward an early death.