Basics of Self-Improvement

Be careful whom you serve!

Nikola Ojdanić, Ph.M.
3 min readJun 19, 2024


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Self-improvement has become a billion-dollar industry that promises to make you happy, rich, fit and success all by yourself. All the scammers and marketing to the side, but there is still a lot of value and useful tips in this movement.

What are the basics of Self-improvement and spiritual development in general?

Service to Self Vs. Service to others

Funny enough, this is also a difference between Good and Evil. So, how does this actually work?

  1. Service to self — If you’re a selfish prick, you are only serving your own sorry ass. It’s easy and natural for many of us: caring only for yourself!

But it’s short-sighted and it will hurt you sooner rather than later. Why?

You are not alone in this world and you will need the help of others. No one made it on their own. If they say they “made it” alone, they’re lying.

2. Service to others will help you in so many ways. If you help others, they will want to help you too! Many will even feel obliged to help you even if they don’t like you that much. You cannot lose by helping others. It’s the law of Karma (or Cause & Effect).

  • If you want to make more $$, help others make $$ and they will help you too.
  • If you want respect from others, respect them first and see what happens next.
  • If you want to be adored by others, adore them first and they’ll reciprocate.
  • If you help someone in any way and even if they don’t return the favor, someone else will.

Philosopher’s Touch

There is also a psychological and social value in why Service to others is better than Service to self.

Simply put, it is more beneficial for society as a whole to serve others and do it for all, not just for you.

Great thinkers and philosophers were well aware of this principle and wrote about it. For example, the great German philosopher Immanuel Kant described this as an ethical principle. He called it a Categorical imperative.

It says:

“Act so that you can will your action to become an universal law.”

If your actions can become a universal law (if everyone else is doing it), then your actions are morally correct and in society's best interest. According to this, Service to others can become a universal law and it will benefit most of the people.

Spiritually speaking, we are all ONE. By helping others, you’re helping yourself too. There is no point hurting others in any way because you’re hurting yourself.

But you don’t have to go that deep. You can observe things from an everyday perspective: you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours. If you help others, they will want to help you. No mystery there: only plain common sense.

So, the ultimate (enlightened) selfishness is serving others: by serving others first, you’ll serve yourself the most!

The only rule is: you have to give first in order to get. First, you put in the work, then you get paid, so to speak.

It’s that simple. So choose wisely whom will you serve, my friend. It may be the difference between heaven and hell on Earth!

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Nikola Ojdanić, Ph.M.

Coach, Writer, Philosopher. I will help you get better at the game called Life!