Be Honest With Yourself

Ryan J
Published in
2 min readApr 25, 2021


Image by Artsy Solomon from Pixabay

Excuses are a lazy person's way of justifying why they are yet to achieve their goals.

Finger-pointing, criticizing and false claims are just some of the shrewd games imposed upon one's self to relinquish responsibility for success and to ease the pain that comes from a myriad of shortcomings.

It’s easy to go down that route, to cultivate reasons why you’re not where you want to be in life, but if you’re genuine about making a change for the better, and aren’t just talking shit to sound ambitious in front of your friends, then the first step to take is to be honest with yourself.

“The greatest of faults is to be conscious of none.” — Thomas Carlyle

Self-reflection is the act of delving deep within, calling yourself out on the bullshit and facing those home truths; the ones you’ve been hiding from, ignoring and denying for years.

It’s not always a pleasant thing to do, sometimes your pride can take a hit, you may even feel a sense of guilt for past regressions, but in accepting your own imperfections you set yourself up perfectly for redemption and position yourself on the path to prosperity.

Chasing your goals is hard, achieving them, even more so. But when you are able to cut away all the excuses, lies and bullshit as to why you haven’t yet ‘made it’, your mind is then left free to conjure up ways in which you can.

Be honest with yourself, it’s the first step towards changing your life for the better.



Ryan J

From Northern Ireland 🍀 | Based in Sydney 🦘 | Writing about life, mindset and whatever else catches my attention.