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Be more like a cat

Dowan Simon
Published in
3 min readJul 7, 2020


My cat is gray, with a white breast, like her paws, the last part as if they were stockings. At home we say she had bad temper and the truth is that I don’t know if it is so.
When I look at her, I see that she is a cat, pure. That is to say, it doesn’t pretend to be something else, and each of its acts make it what it is. Pure cat. If she gets angry, when we bother her or our dog appears-; she does it with her whole body. Her hair stands on end, she pulls her ears back, and she hisses that she must want to intimidate. Her whole being shows that she is indignant and does not like the situation she is experiencing.

When everything is over, she calms down and is quiet, she sits down, tucks her paws in, and begins to purr. Thus, in a span of five minutes, she goes from absolute anger to truly enviable calm. And so several times a day! The dog that came after she is five times her size, all he does is look at her and wag his tail, but she continues to look at him indignantly, after 4 years of his appearance, and throws him like little punches when he passes by. It seems to say, “I am like this and you will never like me.”

The rest of the day, she sleeps. I once read that cats sleep 16 hours a day. I think even more. Sometimes when I’m busy going back and forth around the house and passing by where she is, all fluffy, furry and warm, sleeping, I’m envious, and I think that perhaps the function of cats is to continually show us that we can be relaxed. , sleep, be yourself all the time, and have a great time.

When she is hungry, she’s not interested in liking the one who is desperately meowing as if she hadn’t eaten for a week. Meows and meows until we give her what she wants. She eats, relieve yourself, and she’s done. She is a cat, she is not trying to be a dog to like better.

The funniest thing is that after a day of being very angry with the dog, with us because we grab her to pamper her, or warm our skirts, (and she always leave or resist), at night, when we go to sleep, she climbs on the bed, sits next to me, glued to me, to sleep with her purr.

So I think, why can’t we be ourselves, always. Get angry with our whole being when we do it, show it to who is making us angry, but then know how to calm down, enjoy the moment we live. Demonstrate what we want, and fight until we get it, and at night, no matter what happened in the day, go to sleep with who cares for us, loves us, and gives us warmth, without rancor.

It must be great to be a cat. They also say that they absorb bad energy from the house. For some reason the ancient Egyptians had them as semi-gods.

I think it has an innate wisdom that we humans should learn from; to be a little bit more like cats.



Dowan Simon

I’m a multipotencial person. Love to write and read. I have two novels published and many short stories to share. Follow me to have more extraordinary stories!