Be THE One. For Yourself and No One Else.

For once, focus on ourselves.

Aldric Chen


Photo by Johnson Wang on Unsplash

Be THE ONE for ourselves.

Be the person who focuses on yourself. There is no point in being envious. It does not change your life one iota. You are still where you are, while the one with accolades moves on.

Instead, be so angry that you can harness that energy for use. Use it to improve yourself. Dig. Dig deeper. Dig into your belief system. Awaken the caged lion.

You need to believe that you are worthy of more. Intelligence is bestowed. Ambitions are not. Be the ambitious one and work for that one chance to shine.

Learn to observe. Observations will not fail you. Do not see the glitter people carry with them. Their accolade is theirs, never yours. They blind you because you focus your eyes on them for too long. Instead, shut your eyes and start observing.

Observe the blood, sweat, and tears they shed to get there. Copy their bloody work ethic!

Sometimes, we fall. You wonder, as we always do, what went wrong. No, you did nothing wrong. You did not do enough! People who found success earlier than you have paid their dues. You THINK they started at the same start line as you did. Not true. They might have paid that price 3 years ago, working on their dreams across multiple…



Aldric Chen

24x Top Writer (as of June 2023). Serial eavesdropper. I capture interesting & uncomfortable real-life retirement / work-life stories the way they are.