Be Yourself. Be the Person Standing Right In Front of You In the Mirror.

I am the last to see Avengers, yet I learned something new.

Nishith Goyal
Published in
5 min readFeb 16, 2022


Photo by Михаил Секацкий on Unsplash

The World around you is beautiful, yet it will try everything at its pace to derail you.

  • Don't experiment; what you are doing right now is safe.
  • Don't aim high.
  • Sell your attention to us.
  • Devote your biggest asset — TIME, to useless things.

But we all can fight back and claim what belongs to us.

You can be YOU, and I can be I.

And, then, we all can create the World we wish to stay in.

Weekends are Special

Weekends are special. Not only do they allow me to rejuvenate, but they also help me open up a whole new world of perspectives.

On such a Sunday evening, after spending some quality time reading and writing, my body asked me for some rest.

And, one of the benefits of weekends is that you can experiment. So, I chose to experiment with an excellent movie. (I watch some bit of guilt-free television on weekends because I avoid it on weekdays)



Nishith Goyal

Author of two books, Creator - Be Better Bit-By-Bit, Long-distance runner, diarist, Podcaster. Writes about Journaling, Self, and Positive Impact.