Beating Procrastination Into Submission

Six simple strategies to get you back on track.

Susan Smith-Harmon


Photo by Avi Richards on Unsplash

“Lost time is never found again.” — Benjamin Franklin

Dilly-dallying. Piddlefarting. Slacking. Wasting time. Whatever you call it, procrastination can suck the achievement right out of your day.

We all put things off from time to time. And that’s okay as long as you don’t let it become a habit. When procrastination impedes doing the work you want to do and living the life you want to have, it has to go. Adopting a mindful approach to your habit of procrastination can get you back on track.

I’m a casual gamer. That means I play puzzles and word games on my phone during moments of boredom. There’s no harm in it unless I play games to distract myself from getting my work done, which I do more often than I like to admit.

Are you like me, sometimes frittering away precious hours in mindless endeavors instead of getting things done?

Even when the work is something you like to do?

So why do you procrastinate? What’s wrong with you?

Probably nothing. The experts at say occasional procrastination is normal. Most people have procrastinated on something. Sometimes you aren’t in the mood to work on the task at hand…



Susan Smith-Harmon

Journalist, writer, editor, and presenter with an itch to make the world a better place.