How I Beat Writer’s Anxiety

The pen might be mightier than the sword, but it is often also heavier.

Emmanuel Wambugu


Photo by Andrew Seaman on Unsplash

This is the second part of the humble bits of encouragement to get you writing freely, past fear and anxiety.

Read the first part here:

1. You Are Exactly What Is Needed

At some point, we all feel that we aren't enough to make a difference, that we somehow need to be wealthier, more successful, more educated, and more deserving before anything we write or do has value and credibility.

But what if we were exactly what was needed?

“How would I live if I were exactly what’s needed to heal the world? How can I make a difference when I feel like I’m so not enough?” ~ Rachel Naomi Remen.

Our experiences, our suffering, our joys, and our unique existence are what enable us to make a difference. They shape the way we write and the messages we convey…



Emmanuel Wambugu

Professional wildlife stalker, obsessive grass fondler, and dedicated pen pusher.