Become Successful By Speaking to Yourself More

Talking to yourself doesn’t make you crazy. It makes you prepared.

Steven-Paul Graham
4 min readApr 6, 2021


Photo by Ilyass SEDDOUG on Unsplash

I honestly believe that the ability to clearly communicate our thoughts through our words is one of the most valuable skills that any human being can develop. That being said I think it is also one of the most under-appreciated.

I talk to myself a lot. I think that it’s a good way to get your words in order. I hope it doesn’t make me sounds crazy, but I’ll explain later.

Your Words Bring Your Thoughts to Reality

Our thoughts are like snowflakes; they are unique. They are personal to us and never identical from person to person. We carve a special place for ourselves on the earth on the basis of the things we think. I’m a firm believer in the idea that by mastering your thoughts, you can manifest everything you want from the universe. But there’s more to it. For no one simply gets what they want by thinking it. Our words help us bridge the gap between thoughts and reality.

Along our journeys, it is our words that clear the way and help to provide us with the opportunities we desire. You are unlikely to get the things you want if you can’t communicate them to the people who matter. But when you do, you are given so much.

Our words are powerful.

Our words in the job interview are what score us that new position.

Our words in the business proposal are what secure the necessary funding from investors.

Our words are the basis of evaluation in most academic areas.

Our words are what might win the heart of our love interest.

Our words can help someone else through a rough time.

When strung together the right way our words can provide us with endless opportunities and remedies. But sometimes, we take them for granted.

When’s the last time you put you journaled your thoughts? When’s the last time you really spoke to yourself with absolute clarity of thought and intention of your words?

Why You Should Talk to Yourself More?

When you speak to yourself through journaling or voice notes, for instance, you are able to clearly define the things you desire and the things you don’t. The things you believe and the things you don’t. This clarity helps us navigate situations and people with more ease than if we just wing it. Which is still what happens most of the time. However, if you don’t practice putting your words together by talking to yourself first, you won’t know how to clearly communicate what you want to the world.

Imagine having a magic genie and not knowing what to ask it! That would be tragic. But your words are your magic genie. They are your key. For if used in the right place, will grant you most of your desires. And so when you talk to yourself, you learn which words are the right ones.

So What?

When you have your words in order, you are literally prepared for conversations you’ve never even had.

You’ll know what to say in the essay, on the exam, or in the interview. And the key is, you will know how to say it with confidence. Because you’ve done it before. And this is key because oftentimes, we only get the opportunity to say the right words once. People don’t believe those who sound unsure. And so who do you think would sound more sure about what they are saying? The person speaking about something for the first time, or the person who has spoken about it many times. I think you know where I’m going with this.

You prepare yourself for virtually every situation you can think of by speaking to yourself first. A great example of this is the salesperson.

What does the Salesperson Understand?

I used to work for a telecommunications company selling cellphones. I wasn’t the best salesperson, but I did notice something about the people who were. They understood something very basic about rehearsal and having an internal sales dialogue.

The salesperson wants you to buy what he or she is selling, and they understand they must use their words in order to convince you that their product is something that you need. But, the good salesperson doesn’t wing this pitch, because they actually want their words to be effective when spoken to their prospect. They have bills to pay. So they practice their pitch in front of the mirror in order to perfect their speed, tonality, and volume. They understand that if their words are spoken the right way, they can provide solutions for people they didn’t even know they needed.

They know exactly how their pitch sounds. They know exactly what objections their prospect might fling back at them. But they also know the rebuttals to each of these objections. And that’s because they’ve had this sales conversation before hundreds if not thousands of times to themselves.

And so there is no conversation they are not prepared for. They sound confident. They bring each and every person through a near-identical conversation because they know what they are going to say. They have the words right. And so they generate sales and achieve their targets. Is the salesperson crazy, or simply just prepared?

