BECOMING: Embracing the Infinite Potential Within

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2 min readJan 11, 2024

As I listen to nature, I see how it not about who you are anymore, but whom you wish to become. Who you are is a fragment of your past and what you have chosen to believe about yourself. The truth of who we really are, we can’t even graze the surface of knowing because it is too vast to be recognisable.

However, you are not your past nor your future. So it is only wise to awake into the now and fully see the beauty in which it holds, and allow its treasures to pour into you like rivers of water. For it only happens in that moment in which it arrives.

The past gives you an array of experiences so that you can choose which feelings you want more of and which thereof, you want less. And the only way to truly attain those feelings you want to hold so close, is to continue following in its path knowing that it can all change in any moment, if you allow your mind to stray too far from you.

In all that you experience, you must learn how to keep your mind steady.

The past is void and venomous, staying there too long wounds your present moments and encourages fear of letting go of the feelings you once had, as though, you will never experience it again or you never wanting to experience that feeling again.

And the future has yet to arrive and cautious. And yet, it can either excite or instill fear of the feelings you may come to know as pain.

What I know about pain is that you can never escape it. You can only embrace it and adapt to the lessons in which it teaches you. Fighting against it only inflicts more of the suffering in which you care not to have.

You are in the now and that is all you have. Whatever you wish to become in that moment, be it totally and completely. For in only that moment, you will realize how your potentiality is infinite.

You can see that whatever you want to be you can become instantly. It all starts with seeing yourself in everything and choosing the feeling in which captivates you and walking directly amongst its narrow ways.

You should believe that you are whatever it is you seek. By knowing this, you have just changed the very course of your life. So give whatever is you want more of. Express it and it will express itself unto you without fail.

So, who is it you want to become? Break your shackles, believe in your own innate abilities, and become limitless.

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As I breathe in, I allow. As I breathe out, I surrender. The quality of breath and frequency enables the intensity in which you live.