Becoming Self-Improvement Obsessed Will Not Save You

It will teach you a valuable lesson, though

Dylan Hughes
Published in
5 min readMay 15, 2021


It didn’t take long for me to fall in love with the process. Waking up between 5 and 5:30 a.m., jumping out of bed, and tying my running shoes on. It was wet and chilly sometimes, but I didn’t care. It was quiet, and that’s what I needed.

That early in the morning, most people are eating breakfast and preparing for their day or sleeping. The roads were empty and houses were dark. I felt like I was working harder than everyone.

Coming off the summer I had, I needed that ego boost. I needed to feel like I was out-working people.

I was coming out of a five-month slump. I fell into a trance with the idea of a person dictating my thoughts. I liked a girl and lacked identity. Therefore, I made her my identity. Or the potential of her, at least.

For those five months, I was stuck in my head and couldn’t get out. The only thing that could get me out of that space was her changing her mind and deciding that a relationship would work between us.

She never changed her mind. I had to change mine instead.

While talking to this girl, it was hard not to compare myself to her. She worked a lot. I did not. While I worked a modest 30-hour week, she…



Dylan Hughes

Three-time author writing on whatever interests me. Follow me on Instagram: chyaboidylan