Becoming the Most Developed Version of You: A Guide

A process to help you visualise and actualize your greatest self.

3 min readDec 13, 2023


Photo by Radu Florin on Pexels

What does the highest, most developed, and evolved version of you look like?

Many of us don’t take the time to consider the kind of person we want to become. Instead, we get caught up in the demands of everyday life, surviving and accepting whatever life circumstances create for us.

We often don’t take active steps to create or choose the lives we want for ourselves

Yet, we always have the option to choose who we want to be and the type of life we want to lead.

Here’s a simple guide to help you visualize and actualize your highest, most evolved self:

  1. Identify your values.
  2. Use your values to decide who you want to become.
  3. Visualize who you want to be.
  4. Actualize who you want to be.

Identifying Your Values

Our values shape who we are. They act as a compass guiding our choices and actions, influencing our character. Living life without clear values is like navigating it without direction.

Here Are Some Ways of Finding Out Your Values:

Take a Values Assessment: The internet is full of online tools and exercises designed to help you identify your values. My favourite is this one by Dr. John Demartini.

Reflect on Experiences: Think about moments in your life when you felt fulfilled or proud. What values were present during those times? Write them down.

Keep a Journal: Writing about your experiences, thoughts, and feelings can help you uncover patterns that relate to your values.

Using Your Values to Decide Who We Want to Be

Deciding what you want to become requires both understanding and aligning with your values. Knowing what you value the most can help structure your life around those priorities and things that matter to you.

Knowing your values can also help guide your choices, character, and relationships.

Choices: When the choices you make match your values, they influence the direction you take in life and reveal what is important to you.

Character: Staying true to your values and acting from them helps develop your character. By consistently aligning your actions and choices with the principles and beliefs that are important to you, you build a strong foundation for your identity.

Relationships: The people you choose to be around should share your values. Healthy and supporting relationships are built on shared values.

Visualizing Who We Want to Be

Visualization is a powerful tool for achieving our desired life.

Using visualization involves creating mental images or scenarios in your mind that represent the life you want to achieve. It’s like painting a vivid picture of your goals, aspirations, and the path to success in your imagination.

Here a process to help you visualize your future self:

  1. What do you see yourself doing in __years?
  2. Imagine your daily activities, job, and lifestyle.
  3. How do you feel in this future vision?
  4. Picture the emotions associated with your achievements.
  5. What skills or qualities have you developed?
  6. Envision the strengths and capabilities you’ve acquired.
  7. Who is with you in your future?
  8. Think about the relationships and connections you’ve built.
  9. What challenges have you overcome?
  10. Picture the obstacles you’ve faced and conquered.
  11. What does success mean to you in the future?
  12. Define what success looks like in your envisioned future.
  13. What steps did you take to reach this point?
  14. Imagine the actions and decisions that led to your success.

Actualizing Who We Want to Be

  • Perform a life audit by identifying three areas needing attention.
  • Prioritize those aligning with your desired self.
  • Set SMART goals for each area.
  • Turn your SMART goals into projects with milestones and action steps.
  • Put one action from each project on your daily to-do list.

Identify your values.
Use values to guide choices, character, and relationships.
Visualize your future self using powerful questions.
Actualize your vision through a life audit, SMART goals, and daily actions.

Remember, you have the power to actively create and become the person you aspire to be.

