Been Thinking About Words — Medium Words — Have You?

Gippolito Ndp
Published in
5 min readApr 8, 2021


Not merely as the building blocks of sentences, paragraphs, pages and chapters — but as wellsprings and balms and yes, weapons and shields

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

I pondered long before I decided to write this article. In a very long career of disputes and contentious rhetoric; of divining right from wrong, and black from white, and true from false; but finding that there are few clear demarcations — I finally decided I could not simply accept some words hurled at me, and must respond appropriately; though as a gentleman. Always as a gentleman.

And in coming to this decision, I also decided that I was royally pissed off. Trying to hold that in check — we’ll see how it goes. Getting that angry is usually not a good thing, since 99% of the time I am as meek as a dove and smooth as Tennessee whiskey — but the other 1%, usually when I’m really pissed, well…not so much, and it’s complicated.

A couple brief thoughts before I begin:

Words that can hurt can also heal — George Carlin

Words are like weapons, they wound sometimes — Cher (If I could turn back time)

I’m one of those people who take some time to decide on things; but then once decided, well…I press on, full speed. So, having decided:



Gippolito Ndp

Dad, G-dad, veteran, semi-retired lawyer, archaeologist, writer