Before and After the Remote

Times have changed while we were having fun, or did they?

Michael Thacker


Before the remote, had to get up and change the channel
After the remote, can say the channel aloud and it will change for you
Before the remote, only three channels to watch
After the remote, unlimited choices

Before the remote, TV dinners
After the remote, dinner in front of the TV
Before the remote, “I want my MTV”
After the remote, “I hate MTV”

Before the remote, had to watch the commercials
After the remote, can fast forward past the commercials
Before the remote, watching a man walk on the moon
After the remote, waiting for a man (or woman) to walk on the moon…again

Before the remote, “stayed up late watching TV”
After the remote, “stayed up late watching TV”
Before the remote, “nothing to watch on TV”
After the remote, “nothing to watch on TV”

“Some things change, some things stay the same…pass me the remote”

Michael Thacker is a not so young adult blogger, aspiring writer, and sometimes seller of real estate.

Michael tweets a LOT on Twitter. Posts every once in a while on Facebook. Occasionally lets his opinions be known to friends, family, and anyone else that will listen.

