Behind The Scenes Of Helping Cam Models — Choosing The Right Dildo #1

A funny story to tell

Dan Catalin


Photo by Dainis Graveris on Unsplash

My experience with the camming industry and with helping webcam models, in particular, dates back to about a decade ago. Over the years, I have been faced with plenty of funny situations that I would like to share, as they are guaranteed to put a smile on your face!

The golden rule when working with webcam models is easy peasy lemon squeezy — Do not react to drama.

A lot of women used to complain to me daily, either saying that their cats ate the last slice of pizza (even though they were vegan cats) or that their ex-boyfriends were trying to contact them through pigeons because they were blocked everywhere else. As I mentioned, “no reaction” is the safest route to take, otherwise, your response might trigger something else. You don’t wanna end up buying vegan cat food or fighting their ex’s, do you? Just be a good listener.

Do you know how challenging choosing the right-sized sex toy can be?

I’ve had plenty of women telling me “I am too shy to go to the sex shop, would you be kind enough to buy some toys for me?”

I never had any issues with doing the shopping for them, however, some of the beginner webcam models didn’t know what size would be the right fit for…

