Life Story

Being a Liberal in Turkey?

Or should I say, being an admiral in a land that has no sea?

Emre Gürbüz
Published in
7 min readMar 20, 2021


Photo by Jason Hogan on Unsplash

There are occasional events or situations in our lives that negatively affect our physical or mental state, perhaps leading to psychological problems. This is actually a process that should be seen as normal in human life. However, we do not take any of our actions just to cause a “bad” outcome. Bad results are partly because we understand those events differently or do not fully know the circumstances. But being liberal in Turkey is like, as the British people said “like turkeys voting for Christmas”, despite knowing it would lead to bad consequences in their life but still meant to be individuals that continue to do the action. In this article, I will try to explain the difficulties and feelings of being a liberal in Turkey, based on the events experienced, the emotions felt, and the dominant political ideologies.

The Dominant Political Ideology in Turkey

If we wanted to summarize the political ideology in Turkey with one word, at least for today, this word would be “conservative” for sure. In the Republic of Turkey, which we will celebrate its 100th anniversary in 2023, the new founding fathers designed the new state and society to be formed within the scope of modernization…



Emre Gürbüz

Political Science | International Studies | History