Being a Mentor Is the Easy Part

Knowing when to shut your trap is the hard part

Dean J Murphy


student being watered for article Being a Mentor Is the Easy Part
Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

I belong to several Facebook groups. Some are professional groups, and others are just for my hobbies. Most of the time, when people ask a question, someone that has experience in that area gives some good advice. Unfortunately, this is not always the case.

People can have doubts

I will go out on a limb and say, the best selling point of any community is it being a safe place to learn and receiving support when you are having problems in a particular area.

In many professional groups associated with a paid course, the group comes right out the gate and states that your results may vary. This is the case in any venture.

Look at your graduating class at High School. I am an American, so take your pick of what your basic level of education is named in your country. Everybody receives the same instruction, but the results vary. Some go on to be millionaires, and others end up on the dole.

Much of what you accomplish is how you interpret the material and how you put it into action. Not everybody learns in the same manner. Sometimes, all it takes is somebody to use a different viewpoint to explain something, so you understand it.

