Being An Observer Saved My Butt As A Mom And A Human Being in 2020!

How Being An Observer Can Save Your Butt In A World Gone Crazy!

Kris Freeman


Photo by Lina Trochez on Unsplash

I cannot help but feel disheartened, fearful, and worried about the world we live in right now. When I tune in to all of the injustice being perpetrated in the world, the pandemic, and the political shit show that is called our government I just want to pull over the covers and never get out of bed.

I feel so compelled to look AWAY.

And not looking away in a way that suggests I am burying my head in the sand until it all goes away, but rather looking away to persevere these unprecedented times.

I am highly empathic and have to be very conscious of where I give my attention because I can destroy myself quite easily by getting into everyone’s business and losing me and my voice in the process.

And this is where Being An Observer has saved my butt.

Being An Observer in a Dream: What If This New World Is A Dream That We Can Choose?

I have found that when I treat my life more like an observer of a dream, I get less attached to the outcome and can navigate life with much more ease.



Kris Freeman

Falling Flat on My Face, Getting Up Again, And Asking “What IS Next? AND “What Else Is Possible That I’ve Refused to Consider?”