Being Brilliant Every Single Day

The Good Habit Coach
Published in
3 min readFeb 13, 2023

You do know the way ahead. But are you struggling to stay consistent?

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

I am on the path of self-discovery, of growth. Of learning at every opportunity that I get. The everyday distractions don’t deter me anymore. I have a purpose. A goal. A vision for my future.

But is the road to your goal — a straight line? HELL NO! I would describe it as something like this.

This is true for every single ACHIEVER who dared to dream. And then turned it into his/her reality.

My day goes in a blur — work, home, kid! I found myself wanting “ME time” desperately. I knew there was no scope for it once I start my day. My strongest urge and will to start reading again — was my motivation to start getting up at 5 AM every day. There were days I could do so. And days when I got up late. But I never gave up. It took me a while to reinforce this habit. But YES. I did it. And now waking up at 5 am is second nature to me.

So, you need to understand one thing — It is never going to be a straight path to your goals, however big or small. There will ALWAYS be a furious sine wave towards your aim which ultimately smoothens out.

And do you know the day I knew I would never have trouble waking up at 5 AM? It was the month of December. Peak winters. I came home from work at 8 PM and was physically and mentally exhausted.

That night I had to rush back again to work at 1030 PM. By the time I came back home - It was 4 AM. That morning, I had the option to sleep away and recuperate or GET UP at 5 AM and stay on track.

I did not give in.

Today was the day and I knew it. If I push myself today — waking up at 5 AM would be ingrained in my DNA forever. And so, after a mere sleep of around 3 hrs — I got up at 5 AM. Did all that I had to — with a lot less energy — yes. But what mattered was that I showed up. For nobody else but for myself.

There are days when I am super lazy/sleepy/irritated when my alarm rings at 0450 AM. But now I am prepared. I have a tool with me. All I have to do now is to remind myself of the day when I had less than 3 hrs of sleep and still made it to my 5 AM routine. My toughest day of the Habit — is now my biggest motivator.

Someone I know, once drove 30 Km back home — after she forgot to carry her water bottle on a trip. You see, she had decided to stay on track with her everyday habit of ‘Staying Hydrated’. A clearly defined goal of drinking 2 L of water from a designated bottle.

So next time, you decide to truly embrace a habit — Give this quick trick a shot.

  1. Clearly define a Goal/habit that you can quantify. ( Eg Goal should not be to “wake up early” but to “wake up at so and so AM”)
  2. Follow this goal/habit on the day — It is next to impossible to do. And then let that impossible day be your biggest motivator.

You owe this to yourself and your dream.

Signing off

The Good Habit Coach



The Good Habit Coach

Good Habits are as addictive as Bad ones. Lets get better. One habit at a time.