Being Embarrassed All The Time

How I deal with feeling shameful all the time

Mira Lucas


Photo by Julia Taubitz on Unsplash

I get embarrassed easily.

I get embarrassed by the way I answer the phone. I get embarrassed by the way I walk. I get embarrassed by the amount of time it takes me to choose the right avocado in the supermarket.

I get embarrassed at night, thinking back on all the times I made a fool of myself.

Of course, it’s not the end of the world to feel embarrassed from time to time. But if you’re embarrassed easily, like I am, it can definitely hold you back. If you’re always punishing yourself for every small mistake, you become cautious.

You start over-analyzing your own behavior, and it gets harder and harder to take risks and be spontaneous.

And the feeling of cringe isn’t exactly a pleasant feeling.

As Carl Gustav Jung puts it:

‘Shame is a soul eating emotion.’

Which is why I decided (as part of my journey, to be more vulnerable and less risk-averse) to deal with my constant embarrassment.

Why we feel shame

Shame is defined as “the painful feeling arising from the consciousness of something dishonorable, improper, ridiculous, etc., done by oneself or



Mira Lucas

Freelance journalist. I like cats, coffee, and equality. Editor at WAVE 4. Join Medium: