Being Funny Is Hard

People get offended

3 min readFeb 11, 2024


Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

Being funny is hard.

Mostly because to be funny you have to say stuff that your brain doesn’t want you to say.

Our brain has this filter in it.

When you think of something, it goes through this filter and your brain starts processing.

“Is this going to offend someone, is going to make you stupid.”

Especially now, we’ve grown up in a society where if you say something that could potentially offend someone, you’re going to be labeled as racist, sexist, or anti-semitic.

And if you don’t get labeled, your brain might still think, “Oh, we might get bullied if we say something stupid.”

But most jokes are stupid.

Photo by Ashley Jurius on Unsplash

The jokes have to be stupid because that is funny.

Most of your jokes are probably not going to land well, especially if you’re inexperienced.

The jokes are sometimes not even the good part, it’s the delivery.

Most of the jokes that you make are not going to land.

If it does land, it won’t land for everyone.

Some people might find you funny.

Some people will find you annoying.

Some people find you insulting, and sometimes you have to insult people to make jokes.

Whether it be yourself or other people.

Though it’s better not to insult people and there are ways to not insult people when making jokes.

If you have this constant filter in your mind that “Oh if I say this, this might happen. So I can’t say this.” That’s going to make you very boring.

Photo by Siavash Ghanbari on Unsplash

Think of the most interesting person to talk to.

The reason that they’re interesting is because they weren’t afraid to talk their mind.

The reason talking about how you feel and saying what comes to your mind is so powerful and so interesting is that not many people do it.

It removes the restrictions and barriers on what you can say, which makes the conversation longer and gives you more to talk about.

If you’re going to limit a conversation to something then you’re not going to make a very long conversation.

Most of the jokes that I make with my friends are about someone or myself.

These jokes can usually come off as insulting

Which is why I try to surround myself with people who don’t mind being made fun of.

In the sense that they understand it is a joke and don’t mind at all.

Photo by Felix Rostig on Unsplash

There are some people who if you say anything about them will be very offended.

The intention is never actually like hurt them.

It should be to make people happier.

Of course, it’s important to set boundaries and stuff.

But if you don’t let people, sometimes make jokes about you, then it makes people not want to be around you because they don’t see any fun being around you.

The best way to make friends is to not be so insecure about yourself

Even as I write this, I sense that filter in my head cautioning me.

It’s like, “Hey, if you say this, someone might get offended, and if you say that, someone might be insulted.”

If I let that filter take over, I might not publish anything

Photo by Stephen Kraakmo on Unsplash


  • People get offended
  • Don’t let your brain filter you
  • Learn to be confident in your speech




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