Photo by Dingzeyu Li on Unsplash

Being in Quarantine Has Given Me Peace and Here’s How It Can For You



We all live a very fast-paced life, whether that is going to work, class, game, or a social gathering. But ever since quarantine started our life has been very much slow and, to be honest, I like it.

The world we live in now feels very slow. We are in our respected homes living a life that many people wouldn’t believe would ever happen. We finally have some “me” time, who would’ve believed that would happen. Being in quarantine has given me a sense of peace and clarity and it can for you.

At the beginning of quarantine, many of you were lost including me. We didn’t know how we were going to be able to even get through this. Some of you who are reading this may be social beings or antisocial. I am in the middle of the social spectrum but being quarantine shows you who you are.

PSA: If you are still complaining about being in quarantine than this article isn’t meant for you.

Being in quarantine has given me a sense of peace. I know what I love to do and I am ready to pursue it. Before quarantine, I was living a life full of going here and there, which didn’t give me time to even. think or talk to myself.

Like many of you we live an action-packed life but being in the house and having time for myself has given me a new perspective…

