Being Kind Is A Battle Fought, And Sometimes Lost.

This Time I Quit

Lucia Landini


Photo by JoelValve on Unsplash

Almost one year ago, I wrote a story about a colleague who was rude to me. I tried a few ways to improve our communication, and to work better with him. I reacted to his negative behavior with kindness. This is my article.

Yet, despite my efforts, he hasn’t changed his attitude. Instead, he finds every opportunity to express negative or sarcastic comments about other colleagues and about me, even with my bosses, and when I am not around.

I am tired of trying to explain or telling him what I don’t like about it.

I’m sick of his behavior. I will never again be kind to him or talk to him.

Yesterday he entered my office and before he could speak, I had to leave.

I couldn’t sit in the same room as him.

My silence is the nicest way I found to avoid him. I finally gave up.

However, I feel bad. Not because of him, I will forget about him soon, but because of the value I give kindness.

I know it can help people communicate, it makes everyone stronger by supporting each other, it improves our daily life.

I strongly believe in the power of kindness.

This time, it didn’t work. I quit. Kindness is a precious gift and I am not going to waste it.

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Lucia Landini

I write about personal growth and relationships. I love reading and sharing happiness.