Being Thin is Everything!

Unless it isn’t. And that’s the lie we all swallow. Or don’t, as the case may be.

Julia E Hubbel
Published in
12 min readAug 17, 2020


A few hours ago I read a heartbreaking- because it is so familiar- article by a woman who achieved what so many so desperately want to get. It isn’t what she expected.

She’s thin. Oh, what so many of my fellow Medium writers and readers would give to be able to say that. However, she didn’t sign up for what came with it. This is her piece:

Some years ago I developed anorexia/bulimia, back in 1975. For years before that I had EDs that we didn’t have fancy names for. Yet. Decades before there was a National Eating Disorder Association. Decades before there was a clinic on every corner making a profit off our collective misery.

Don’t think so? Read this:

One inpatient eating disorder program in the US charged an average daily cost of $2,295 in 2015; its partial hospitalization program charged $1,567. A residential program charged on average $30,000 per month in 2010. Consider that many patients may require



Julia E Hubbel

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