Believe in Your Message

John C. Davis
Published in
3 min readJun 11, 2020


Allow that beautiful part of you out for the world to enjoy

Photo by Joshua Hibbert on Unsplash

There is a beautiful part of you waiting to show itself to the world. There may be good reasons why you have not allowed this part to be seen.

It’s OK to respect those reasons. I invite you to look at them.

In the past there may have been a good reason to not share. Maybe you were hurt. It may not have been safe for you to be yourself. You may have been ridiculed.

It takes courage to show up in the world. We never know whether we will be accepted or not.

I am grateful for the people in my life who support me. These are the magical people who encourage me to take healthy risks and put my creativity out into the world for people to see. These people keep me going during the tough times.

As a writer there are going to be tough times. There will be times of great doubt and stress. There will be times when we question the sanity of putting our stuff out there, knowing that a great majority of it will be rejected. When we hear about a success story, you can be sure that that person had a long line of failures behind them with more to come.

The difference between that successful person and the people you never hear about is that the successful person was willing to let go of the failures and stay…



John C. Davis

I am an author, writer, and speaker, interested in highlighting and celebrating the endless beauty of the human spirit.