Believing These 7 Myths About Bears Might Lead To Your Doom

Tim Ebl
Published in
5 min readJun 2, 2020


Goldilocks had a few facts wrong

Line sketch of a bear in the wilderness
Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay

The girl shoved open the door and went right in as if she belonged there. “Wow, what a mess. I thought this was a bear house, but it’s more like a pigsty!” Her long golden locks rubbed against the dirt ceiling of the den and she shuddered when she saw the cobwebs.

She approached the kitchen area and saw what she thought was porridge. Goldilocks took a whiff and decided it was more likely puke or something. She had been hungry, but not anymore. She could wait until she found the next McDummald’s.

There wasn’t a single chair in the entire joint. “WTF! Don’t bears ever sit down?” she exclaimed. This was the worst bed and breakfast ever.

She surveyed the sleeping area with disdain. With the scent of rotten bedding and mildew, it was very uninviting. None of it was just right. With a huff, Goldilocks left the bear’s den and went to find human lodgings. She would only give them one star in the review.

What Do You Know About Bears?

There are a lot of misconceptions about bears. If you are going where bears live, it’s a good idea to know a few things about them. I spend a lot of time hiking and running in their home territory, so I do the best I can to be prepared.



Tim Ebl

I help busy guys lose the dadbod, get their energy back and feel 20 yrs younger!.