Bending Like Beckham

A poem about bending & not breaking

Matt Ray


Photo by Alice Naar on Unsplash

I bent something badly, but it didn’t break
Although I’m quite sure that it should have
I don’t think that tendons are meant to do that
The bending was quite off the pie graph

I straightened it back and now it’s just floppy
I’m not sure what I’m going to do
I guess I’ll be going to visit the doctor
Perhaps he’ll just cast it, and tell me I’m through

With working that part of my body for now
At least for a fortnight or more till it mends
Whoever it was that told me to bend
That part of my body, she was not my friend

I’ll just keep sitting here trying to read
Ignoring the least of my pain
Whatever I do, I know that I won’t
Be Bending like Beckham again

© Matt Ray 2021

This was in response to a prompt to write a poem about bending and not breaking.

Here are some of my other poems and writing. Please follow me on social media.



Matt Ray

Top Writer in Travel, Photography, & Poetry. Recently circum-sailed around the world. Find all my Publications, Blogs, & Socials here: