Healthcare Technology

Best Of Integrated Behavioral Health For 2023 Through Hybrid Care Model

Integrated Behavioral Health Medicine Is A Double-Edged Sword For Medical Practices Unless They Use A Robust Hybrid System That Is Collaborative And Transparent

Published in
5 min readJan 6, 2023


Photo by Total Shape on Unsplash

Behavioral health is one of the leading challenges affecting the global healthcare system. So, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), healthcare leaders around the globe are more and more realizing the role of mental health in the sustainability of global development initiatives.

Despite eye-catching progress seen in a few developed countries, many individuals still lack benefiting from health equity. They thus are subject to human rights violations, prejudice, and stigma.

An estimated 1 in 5 Americans suffers from behavioral health disorders. Amongst the most prevalent forms of mental health issues, including anxiety disorders, mood disorders, psychotic disorders, dementia, and eating disorders, depression is the leading cause of infirmity.

Suicide remains the fourth leading cause of death among individuals between 15 and 29.




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