Betrayal’s Sting


Umaima Irfan
2 min readMay 10, 2024


In the sanctum’s embrace, where trust once dwelled,
A shadow crept, a serpent’s tongue unfurled. With honeyed words and smiles that veiled deceit,
The bonds of loyalty began to rend complete.

Betrayal’s sting, a venom in the night,
Pierced through the heart, a pain beyond compare.
Promises whispered, now turned into dust,
As darkness claimed the soul, its wounds grew bare.

Like a fragile thread, so finely strung,
Trust’s silver cord was torn, forever hung.
The weight of treachery pressed down with might,
Crushing hope’s flame, extinguishing its light.

In the chasm’s depths, where sorrow flowed,
Guilt and remorse like writhing shadows roamed.
The echoes of forgotten vows resounded,
Amplifying the pain that torn wound sounded.

With every breach, a scar etched deeper still,
A reminder of the betrayal that could never be nil.
Anger flared, a raging storm within,
Threatening to shatter peace, to make chaos kin.

Yet, amidst the torment, a glimmer arose,
A flicker of strength, a spark that refused to close.
Resilience forged from the shattered pieces,
A phoenix rising, unyielding in its creases.

From the ashes of betrayal, wisdom sprouted,
A newfound armor, a lesson deeply rooted.
Trust rebuilt not on brittle vows of old,
But on tested bonds, where hearts remained bold.

For in the crucible of treachery’s flame,
Truth and deception were forever named.
And though the scars of betrayal might remain,
They served as a testament to the pain that cannot be slain.

