Better A Good Ending Than A Good Beginning

He who has patience reaches the goal

Jesús Salazar
5 min readOct 2, 2020


Image by Elmer Geissler from Pixabay

In the lives of many young people there is the dilemma of answering many questions:

• Where am I going?

• What are my short-term and long-term goals?

• What career path will I choose?

These are just some of them, which have quite possibly crossed your mind.

And the answer to each of them is often not easy to answer.

We are going to see a short biography of one of the best-known geniuses in the world.

Albert Einstein

He was a German physicist of the 19th and 20th centuries (born March 14, 1879, and died April 18, 1955) known primarily for developing the theory of relativity (special and general) and the theoretical explanation of Brownian motion and the photoelectric effect.

He was born in the German city of Ulm, but after a year his family moved to Munich, where he would live until he was 15 years old. At 17 he entered the Federal Polytechnic School of Zurich to study mathematics and physics.

Five years later, already graduated, he obtained Swiss nationality and in 1902 he began to work at the Swiss Federal Office of Intellectual Property, a job that he combined until the age of 30 with his scientific research.

We see that in the life of Albert Einstein he managed to make good decisions that with the passage of time led him to be who we know today.

He made the decision to study mathematics and physics, which helped him in the future to develop as one of the greatest scientific researchers in history.

We could conclude that all the time this great mathematical genius knew what to do and where to go.

But it was not always like this.

An interesting anecdote is told about Albert Einstein in which they say that he was sitting comfortably on the train when a young man approached him and asked for his travel ticket.

The well-known man of science searched all his pockets for it, but couldn’t find it.

Seeing the despair on Dr. Einstein’s face, the boy said:

- “Do not worry. I know you bought your ticket.”

As the train was about to leave, the young man went through the corridors once more to confirm that all the passengers had their tickets. Noticing that Einstein was still looking for the ticket, the boy said:

- “Doctor, don’t worry. We all know who you are.”

To which the renowned physicist added:

- “Yes, I also know who I am. The problem is that I don’t know where I’m going.”

Albert Einstein was also somewhat faced with the problem of not knowing where he was going.

We do not know the end of this story, but possibly Dr. Einstein was able to reach his destination and had a good ending.

Many people have not explicitly set their life goals.

They describe the goals for your future, but do not determine them. There are many ways to define your life goals.

Some descriptions are more detailed, while others are deliberately more general. There is no universal quality standard for life goals.

It is up to you to find your goal.

“Goals aren’t always created to be achieved, they often just serve as something to aim for.”

- Bruce Lee

You don’t have to commit completely in one direction. You can also have multiple goals in life.

However, the fact is that people who have defined and are pursuing one or more life goals are happier because they notice progress and do not feel that they are stuck.

You can do it

There are people who feel limited to carry out some activity because they lack all the tools to be able to achieve them.

You probably assume that the adverse circumstances of life have allied against you.

If that is your case, you should know that Helen Keller, who had the misfortune of being deaf and blind, said:

“I can’t do everything, but I can do something, and I refuse to stop doing what I can do.”

And you

Do you already know what you can do?

People with goals succeed

We have already talked extensively about life goals and how they positively impact your life. It' now up to you. Start taking charge of your life today. Don’t put it off, because you’ve always been doing it.

Just write what your goal in life is. Develop a plan, defining the first steps and activities, and get started right away. If you start today, you will be one day closer to your goal.

“People with goals succeed because they know where they are going.”

- Earl Nightingale

Your time is valuable. So invest it where it is most valuable. Focus on the things that matter most, not just during execution, but also when setting your goals. Focus on those that have the greatest impact on your life goal and your happiness.

You can’t have it all. But in certain situations, you have to decide what is most important to you.

“Don't wait; the moment is never going to be “perfect.” Start where you are, and work with the tools at your disposal, and better tools will appear along the way.”

- Napoleon Hill


Focus on the steps that will help you progress professionally and make you happy. Be open and honest with yourself and think about what you want from the bottom of your heart.

Then do it!

You will always find moments in which you are going to achieve many goals. They will be a great moment in life.

As it was for Albert Einstein in 1905 his most fruitful year, the result of the publication of four scientific articles on the photoelectric effect, the Brownian motion, the theory of special relativity, and the mass-energy equivalence (E = mc²).

The first earned him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921, the second the degree of doctor and the last two would establish him, over time, as the greatest scientist of the 20th century.

Reaching a goal takes time and effort, which is why it is so important to be patient during the process.

The wise man Solomon once said:

“Better is the end of a thing than its beginning; better is a patient spirit than a lofty one.”

(Ecclesiastes 7:8) New American Bible (Revised Edition) (NABRE)



Jesús Salazar

Late night writer🌙 Internet enthusiast 💻 Active reader 📖 Researcher 🔎 Bibliophile 📚 “Creativity Is Intelligence Having Fun” —Albert Einstein 💡