Beware Fake Gurus | 5 Ways to Quickly Identify Fake Gurus

Don’t let them rob you.

David K.


Photo by danielkrol on Istockphoto

“Make a million dollars is easy” — He said.
Business coaching is in demand this day. Every beginner entrepreneur should know business philosophy, skills, get experience from successful people. Unfortunately, in a way of learning, we meet a lot of fake gurus and scams, that try to teach people things they don’t do.
In this post, I’m going to share with you the ways to spot scams.

See their path

Every business coach says that he made millions of dollars using strategies and techniques. A true coach should be clear with this, share with you case studies, and real projects.
To know the path of your coach, just check his profile on Linkedin. Check their experience deeply, their projects. Even in this case, it isn't easy as they create some fake businesses as proof.
Real and successful entrepreneurs we can see in different magazines and news publications.

Watch out for sales tricks.

Often fake coaches offer bonuses or free staff. For example, they offer you a free book, you only pay for shipping. Never buy this kind of book as if a coach is truly a good author, his book will be on…



David K.

Marketing strategist and content creator. I talk about entrepreneurship, freelancing and self-improvement. Happy to help people in a way of enlightenment.