Beware the Oblivious Narcissist

AKA the bad guy who thinks he’s the good guy.

Daisy Chains


Have you ever had a conversation with someone you’re attracted to, that has left you feeling physically uncomfortable and confused?

It’s possible you’ve had an encounter with an oblivious narcissist.

There is a spectrum of narcissism that ranges from those who are hyper-aware and hypervigilant manipulators, to those who breeze through life thinking they are gods and that any and all of their behavior is correct and beyond reproach. They don’t have a clue about the damage they are doing to those around them.

We’ve had one of the latter showing how incredibly dangerous oblivious narcissists are in the White House for the last four years.

Characteristics of the oblivious narcissist:

  • Insensitive to others.
  • Fears irrelevance and feeling unloved (un-adored).
  • Attention-seeking and grandiose.
  • Violates others’ boundaries and manipulates in relationships.
  • Makes life decisions to boost superficial image and ego-driven success.

The oblivious narcissist will tell you, “You’re beautiful, I love you, but you look fat in that skirt.” He will…



Daisy Chains

No holds barred discussion of relationships in all their glorious unholiness. Buy me a coffee here: