Beyond Technical Skills: 3 Essential Traits Content Marketers Need To Succeed

Marketing veterans shared techniques but they missed highlighting the 3 most important traits content marketers need to create high-value content.

Gabriel Jasmine


Graphic by Gabriel Jasmine, © the Author using Canva

Are you new to content marketing?

Even if you have been in this playground for a while, you may still face 2 common content challenges on a daily or occasional basis:

  1. How to write a high-value content for your consumer
  2. How to have a never-ending list of content to write about

Go out there and look for solutions to these challenges, you’ll find a lot of guides, tips, and frameworks from veterans.

None of them will tell you that the real problem isn’t in the technicalities but in your approach to content marketing.

They are not wrong though.

However, while technical skills can be developed over time, a wrong mindset will hinder progress and hold you back from achieving greatness indefinitely.

Hence, take a moment to reflect on how you approach content.

Do you have these 3 values in mind while creating content?



Gabriel Jasmine

Behavioral Science Enthusiast | Marketer | Woman in the Modern World. I write what I learn and what I know to help, inspire and connect.