Beyond the Eye

Samantha D
Published in
Jul 26, 2024


A Poem by I

Art by SD (I) — What is art?

I close my eye
And find the I
I mean eye
Is it the same lie?

Or is there more than meets the eye?

Where do you abide?
Who are you without the I?
I mean eye
An eye without an I
But more than you and I
There is no you and I
Behind this eye

The pain, the sorrow, the grief — all die
A love so pure, so high
Who would’ve thought, not I
I mean eye
Is it the same lie?
Or is there more than meets the eye?

Ah…who gives a…sigh



Samantha D

Ad astra per aspera - Live to learn - Author of the book: Reflections [now available on Amazon]