Big guys reaction over Joe Biden's victory in 2020 US elections.

The way how people reacted to Biden’s and Kamala Harris’s victory may explain the way Trump treated them.

Harish Maddukuri


Photo from NewIndianExpress

After a tense four days of waiting, former Vice President Joe Biden was elected the 46th President of the United States. The historic victory has implications for millions of Americans, including entrepreneurs and business leaders, who will now shift to doing business under Democratic leadership.

Dancing in the streets, cheering and chants. Beeping car horns, and tears of joy. Across the country, people took to the streets following the calling of the presidential race for Joe Biden, sharing their elation after four long days of waiting for a result.

In major cities like Philadelphia, Washington, and New York, thousands partied outside as they waved American flags and hugged one another.

Reactions to Biden’s win continue to pour in, but some have started to share their thoughts. Let’s see how some of the important and well know people reacted. If you are interested you can also check my story on “World Leaders’ Reactions to Joe Biden’s Victory in the 2020 US Elections”

Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft

