Big Little Things

Published in
4 min readDec 24, 2023
Image by Taryn Elliott from Pexels

When Albert Camus received the Nobel Prize, he wrote a letter to his primary school teacher.

“Dear Monsieur Germain,

I let the commotion around me these days subside a bit before speaking to you from the bottom of my heart. I have just been given far too great an honor, one I neither sought nor solicited.

But when I heard the news, my first thought, after my mother, was of you. Without you, without the affectionate hand, you extended to the small poor child that I was, without your teaching and example, none of all this would have happened.

I don’t make too much of this sort of honor. But at least it gives me the opportunity to tell you what you have been and still are for me, and to assure you that your efforts, your work, and the generous heart you put into it still live in one of your little schoolboys who, despite the years, has never stopped being your grateful pupil. I embrace you with all my heart.

Albert Camus”

There were people like this in my life too

They shared their knowledge and opportunities with children without hesitation.

They lived before the social media seeds of the desire to be popular were planted in us.

Even though their names perhaps remain in the hearts of only a few of us, I see that they are settled in that heart.

Like that story of the starfish

While a man was walking on the ocean beach, he came across someone who was hastily throwing something into the sea. When he gets a little closer, he realizes that this person is throwing starfish that washed up on the beach into the sea.

– “Why are you throwing these starfish into the sea?” he asks.

When the person, who continued to quickly throw a starfish into the sea, replied, “For their survival”.

– “Good, but there are thousands of starfish here. There is no way you can throw them all away. What difference will it make if you throw them into the sea”, he says.

The person who picks up another starfish from the ground and throws it into the sea,

– “Look, a lot has changed for this one.”

Some little stories that are big enough for a child

I now see clearly how some people, with their relatively small actions, had a big and long-lasting positive impact on my development.

One of them was my grandmother. Even though she was a very organized person, she reserved the largest room for me at her small home, where I could play and mess around, sometimes with my friends, as I wanted. I was 5–6 years old. I always remember that space, and the sense of acceptance and comfort it gave me at that time.

One of my aunts would cook my favorite dishes for me with pleasure, every time I visited her. I felt very special every time. I still miss her meals. She inspires me all the time when I cook for my loved ones.

One day, my primary school teacher noticed that I was bored in class because I learned to read and write very quickly. Then my teacher started to take me to the closest library, during class breaks so that I could read books. For me, it was a perfect solution. Otherwise, I could get bored with school quickly. Instead, I enjoyed my exploration time in the library. Later, I attended classes with my friends.

Once, as a surprise, my uncle had sent specially selected children’s books to our class by post. My teacher got the package with the letter explaining what was in it and distributed the books to all of us to read. I felt proud and happy.

An old neighbor of ours used to motivate me always, by saying sincerely that he was proud of me, appreciating who I am, every time he saw me on the street.

Another teacher of mine spent a lot of effort for a semester, explaining chemistry topics that I tried but could not understand well, instead of resting during his break times at school. Without his support, it would not be possible to enlighten this dark area for me at the right time.

At a time when I was struggling with headaches, with my mom we were waiting in a very long line at the ophthalmologist. It could take almost two hours to see the doctor. An old woman, who somehow understood my situation, approached us and gave me her turn so that I could see the doctor right away. I think she waited a long time in the waiting room after us. This story always affects me.

Some of our family elders would give us small pocket money from their limited budgets to support our student life. These would take a little out of the limits of my own pocket money and make me happy.

As Albert Camus wrote in his letter, the generous hearts of these people became an inspiration that planted the seeds of generosity in my heart.

So, if you read till this point, as we end this year, I invite you to think about the people who touched your lives with their small or big actions by allowing you to see the humans’ better nature.

Our Area of Influence

Nowadays, social media offers many opportunities. We can share and access a lot of information. We can offer or attend many courses.

However, even with its existence, social media can create the perception that everything must be digitally shared and visible, otherwise it has no value.

It may be demotivating for people to make life-changing efforts without being popular, without anyone noticing, and without worrying about visibility.

These days, how many people’s lives can you personally touch with the way you are?

