Billionaires: Can You Imagine Any of Them Having an Epiphany in the Near Future?

One is desperately needed now so our planet can begin to recover

Maria Rattray


Inequality has a ripple effect
Inequality has a ripple effect Photo by micheile henderson on Unsplash

“Only when the last tree is cut down, the last fish eaten, and the last stream poisoned, you will realise that you cannot eat money.” — Cree Indian Proverb

An observable trend I’ve noticed in recent times…

The volume of journalistic opinion pieces critiquing the effects of entities amassing extreme wealth, is expanding.

Some areas being critiqued include:

  • philanthropy — not always as charity-driven as is being portrayed;
  • climate change — excessive polluting behaviour, unacknowledged or glossed over; and
  • influence — investment in self-nominated, profit-driven research activities, affecting other value-driven global efforts | political donations, affecting policies that indirectly confer business advantage.

Allow me to expand.

Take philanthropy for example…



Maria Rattray

Writer, author, teacher, fun-loving poet. Trying valiantly to make the world a better place. Helping you to guide the future. Find me at: